There are different types of contaminants and most of them are not even visible to the naked eye.
The smallest submicron particles are inhaled in our lungs and become absorbed in our bodies and bloodstream causing asthma and allergy symptoms. Dust, Lint, Smoke, Fibers, Pollen, Diesel Exhaust, Soot, Hair, Pet Dander
Are volatile organic compounds that easily become vapors or gases.Paints, scented candles, spray air fresheners, glues, varnishes, wood preservatives, cleaning supplies, pesticides, formaldehyde
Bacteria, mold, germs, yeasts, mites, viruses, pollen, dust mites, dust mites feces
Flu viruses, germs and other airborne pathogens are expelled into the air by a cough or sneeze causing colds and flu.
Central & Southern IL & MO, Greater St. Louis, and Metro East
A Moldy House is a Sick House!
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